From Passion to Creation

Unveiling the Magic 

From meeting amazing women who are more than happy to create pieces for me to then picking and planning out fabrics, clips, beads, lines, colors, designs and everything necessary to create crochet products has been a pleasure for me. Even creating my website and logo, bringing my vision to life through captivating photos, brainstorming until I find the perfect match, the perfect idea. Educating myself on all things necessary, taking information + opinions that I have received from my loved ones and incorporating it into my creations now. Immersing myself in the process. Staying inspired. Staying positive. Making this brand my bitch, starting from scratch, starting from nothing but knowing it is going to be something… that is what keeps me going… this is what is called faith.

In the collection “New Moon” I have pieces from women who own a chic store in a beach town of paradise and carry the most beautiful, high quality handmade crochet clothing and I chose to purchase the items that resonated with me the most. These women showed me so much love which gave me the confidence boost I needed to keep creating my vision. On the same road of this store there was about five little pop-up crochet stores, if you could imagine... my heart was pumping and I was on cloud nine. I connected with each of these woman and felt so blessed to be able to support these women and purchase such elegant, purposeful pieces that I am now sharing with you.

I found another gifted woman that I got introduced to through a man who radiates light and positivity. I shared my vision with her and she brought my clothing ideas to life. Her skills made my dreams into reality, and I am forever grateful for her support. Traveling through the coast of the beautiful country of Brazil for 5 hours to deliver the first set of material to this woman. As well as to obtain a warming introduction and glimpse into her simple yet dreamy life. Talk about a surreal experience.

One evening I was adventuring on the boardwalk and there was a market fair. Little did I know I was going to meet such a kind hearted woman who has a deep desire and passion for creating crochet. After making a connection with her and creating a plan, she is now the woman who has made a couple styles of bags for this collection “New Moon”. Everytime I visit this woman, I leave with the biggest smile on my face and warmest heart because she truly has such blissful, comforting energy that is so refreshing.

Xoxo, Maddie <3

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