Luabliss' First Collection

New Moon

New Moon is dedicated to making the change and making the commitment, taking the leap of faith… being ready to get uncomfortable just to unravel a more powerful you.

I have been trying to find something to commit to that gives me not only a source of income but also… clarity, purpose, and the feeling of fulfillment with my life and who I am. I began this search when graduating high school in 2022, I decided to take a gap year. To take some time to connect with myself, learn more about who I am, and to just see what life feels like + take a breath of fresh air after closing the chapter in my life of going to school and having that structured routine for 15 years. I had so many desires that felt impossible to ever reach. Curiosity of what “the real world” and  “adult life” is like, got the best of me. It took me a year to find “the thing” so, in reality… perfect timing!

When I decided that life is life, what happens happens, and that I am exactly where I am supposed to be… ideas about creating my own ecommerce website popped in my head. I thought to myself… sounds like the perfect plan. A job that I can work with virtually while obtaining the lifestyle of traveling and feeling free...becoming self employed…YES! That has always been a thought in my brain. On top of all of this, the products i'm deciding to sell are stylish + trending. I am grateful for the success and growth that has been made ever since i've been immersed in the culture of crocheting in Brazil. Creating magic with these women i've met along the way has been incredible, what a fulfillment, I mean in Brazil it is a crochet wonderland!

At the end of the day, after reflecting on experiences I have been through, creating an e-commerce website specifically with crochet products, really connects all the dots and gives me answers as to why I was put in certain situations and why my journey is, my journey. It was a mind-blowing realization that my path had a purpose and a plan. This is an outcome of trusting the process and letting things in life unfold without trying to take control and without judgement… surrendering to what is.

Surrendering to life's flow, I stayed true to my intuition, refusing to settle for less and now I thank myself for not taking action on certain things that were expected of me because if I did, that would be me falling off track and alignment of what I was searching for. I wanted to see how powerful trusting your intuition could be so I started to respond to people with more confidence in my voice, decisions, + thoughts. Let’s just say, I got the vision and sense of a powerful intuition. Without doing this, there is no way I would still be spending time in Brazil, specifically the place that changed my outlook on life when I needed it the most, on a majestic property, listening to the wind flow through the trees all while writing the description to the first collection of my creation, my art… New Moon… welcome to Luabliss.

Xoxo, Maddie <3

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